Lady Gaga Fell into Twitter Scam

If you observe any posts on Twitter with a link to a “Banned Lady Gaga Video,” anything you do, DO NOT CLICKS ON IT. The Face book Scam Spam trend is dispersal across Twitter claiming the Twitter queen herself Lady Gaga.

The tweets are spreading through a rogue request that thousands of Twitter users have linked with. The tweet promises a link to a “banned” Lady Gaga video, which any true Monster knows does not exist. Once you click on the link, you are taken to a fake YouTube page and when you click the play push button a box pops up asking you to funding permission to a third-party app to access your Twitter account. Don’t do it! If you do, the third-party app will have access to your account and be able to send tweets to all of your followers.

Though Lady Gaga fell for the scam she has managed to delete all the unsanctioned tweets. However, Sophos tracked the tweets down. Here’s what was tweeted:


TAROT de shakira [LINK] clarividente de @shakira #horoscopo ganar dinero navegando.”


“VIDEO PROHIBIDO LADY GAGA @lady gaga [LINK] ganar dinero navegando.”


Lady Gaga issued a Twitter caution to whoever is at the back the app, threatening to unleash her Little Monsters on them. But it looks like the damage was already done. Fooling Lady Gaga is a huge coo for the rogue app considering Lady Gaga has 9.6 million followers, making her the most followed Twitter feed in the world at the time of this writing. With that kind of influence, you can only visualize how many victims this app has already claimed.