Gordon Ramsay claim spyware used to hack into his email

Gordon Ramsay, the continually cussing celebrity chef who has won 12 Michelin stars, is suing members of his wife’s family next claims that they used spyware to hack into his individual and company emails.

Chris Hutcheson, the father of Ramsay’s wife Tana, was sacked as managing director of the dirty-mouthed dough puncher’s restaurant empire previous October, amid a blizzard of accusations from together sides.

According to media reports, Ramsay’s High Court summons claims that, with the assist of an IT specialist called Kevin Fung, Hucheson and other members of his family stole passwords with key logging spyware, and used them to right to use secret emails.


Hmm… I wonder if Ramsay had a four-letter password.

It is more claims that Jennifer Aves-Eliott, Gordon Ramsay’s individual assistant, was also under attack – with spyware capture 1,868 snapshots of what was appear on her computer screen.

Gordon Ramsay assets confirmed last November that 46-year-old Fung, from Leyton, East London, had been balanced from his post at the company pending an IT investigation.

It doesn’t noise to me like this is leaving to be a family feud that is ever going to be patched up.

If you desire your own individual and business life to turn out to be less unattractive than Gordon Ramsay’s, then one thing I would suggest is ensure that you and your staff are on their guard against malware attack, and keep your suspicion up-to-date.c