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How to tackle the internet fraud

Internet is getting more popular and in future it will conquer the whole world. It's very common that the most popular people will be frequently troubled by others. Similarly Computer the most famous technological equipment has faced many problems from its invention such as Y2K problem and more. We the people who get well used with computer, now facing the problem of scam emails or internet scam. People who use the internet service and conduct fraudulent transaction are called as scammers. We will see how to tackle this internet fraud, so we can avoid the scammers and spam emails.


Scammers love to disguise their true identity with the names of high profile figures like State Presidents, Ministers, Ambassadors, Directors, etc. Make sure that that government officials won't email to your mail id and they won't announce any rewards or prices in mail. Once if you receive such emails try to avoid it and don't reply.


Scam 419 consists of Subject lines about Payments, Lotteries, Bank Drafts, Compensation, Funds and other financial related terms. The subject line often contains an instruction to contact a specific individual, department or organization. For example, Contact my secretary, Contact the fiduciary agent, Contact the bank official, Contact the ATM Department of and Contact FedEx like that.


Use the anti scam resources, a resource that contains full information about scam emails and scammers. Many Nigerian spam sites have anti scam resources where you can check the mail and can identify the internet fraud easily.

Fake job ads are circulated by fraudsters mostly through internet that seek to attract job seekers to give up personal data and perform a fake job. Remember that a genuine employer will never ask for money for visa processing or travel costs. To check whether it is genuine or fake check the website URL using anti scam resources.


Never give your personal information or certificate copies/identity proof and also never give your bank account or credit card numbers.

Communicate via email instead of instant messengers. In case of email communication you will have proof which you may show to police later on, if required. But must give a phone call to verify phone number.


Avoid the investment internet fraud by contacting the business bureau to determine the legality of the company.

To tackle the internet fraud is very easy since there are many resources, websites and books for spam emails. Scammers use the resource of internet and try to cheat us. So we should make the scammers fool by using the same internet resources like spam emails books, anti scam resources and more in an effective way.