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Internet scams; how to identify such cons

In today’s information overload era, internet is considered as the most significant tool for gathering data. However technological advancements and increase in the number of web users have trigged the spread of internet scams. According to internet scam statistics, more and more scams are reported every day. There are different types of internet scams that dominate the web world and many innocent web users are falling prey to it.
Generally it can be said that most of these scams have their starting sources in Nigeria. So if you are getting a mail with a Nigerian or African address offering some perks, it is better to simply ignore it. It has been reported that one such scam email has been prevailing over the internet for many years and had looted many internet users. This is how it works. You would be getting an email from a person who would address himself as a close relative, wife or even an official of a Nigerian tyrant. The scam email would say a sad story about how the dictator had deposited millions of dollars in a savings account and that the account cannot be accessed now. Then it would ask you to help them in getting the inaccessible amount along with a reward if you are willing to help. The help they want is monetary and you would be asked to give few thousand dollars to access their account. And once you are convinced and gives the money, they would just vanish in the web. No reply or any other correspondence would come from them.

Even though this story seems to be a bit ridiculous and hard to believe, thousands of people have fell for this scammer . They have lost major parts of their wealth too. Yet another type of email scams is the financial scams. Many fraudsters fool people by promising very high return on their investment. The offer would be something like get double the invested money within a month or two. Plus they would assure you that the money is not at all at risk since it is not invested in stock market or mutual funds. Thus the money is said to be safe. But once you have deposited, you would not even get a single penny back, forget returns.

Then there is one more category of popular scammers in internet. It is the credit card scam. In that scams, the people with lower credit score would be offered credit cards and loans at very low interest rates. Since people with lower scores usually are not offered such privileges, they easily fall for it. People would pay all types of costs like administration and security deposit for getting the loans. Thus they would be cheated. Then there are many other scammers like marketing scams which would ask you to buy a product and earn millions from it.

There is only one best way to avoid internet scams. Try not to read the emails sent by these types of internet scams. Even if you read try not to reply. Remember not to give off any of your personal information like password, bank account or credit card number. is dedicated to all the hardworking people who have been scammed by the spammer or 419 scam frauds. Although our site concentrates on providing awareness of Nigerian 419 spam (scam), scam baiting, advance fee fraud, scam phising, also we deal with other types of fraud such as letter spam, e-mail scam, lottery spam as well. You can go through our scam baiting tips, it is just amazing way to deal with the spammer or scammer.

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