Nigerian scam >> Anti Scam Resource >> 419 Scam-Links
Nigerian Spam-Links
scamorama-Information about Anti Scammers
419eater-Anti Scammer letters pages, forum, anti-scammer hints and tips.
thescambaiter-Scambaiting or Scam Baiting internet scammers by creating scam baits that spread the word about internet scams.
svbizlaw-San Jose California business lawyers and corporate attorneys providing incorporations, contract review, contract preparation, stock offerings, merger, aquisition, business sale and transaction representation serving Silicon Valley communities."
scamwarners-Different types of scams and its description.
crimes-of-persuasion Explains how the artists will steal savings through telemarketing fraud, investment schemes and consumer scams.
419 coalition 419 coalition latest news on nigerian scam/419 operation.
scams An online source for people to learn before getting scammed.
Is this a scam? helps to differentiate between the real stuff and the stuff that someone wants to avoid.
nigerianfraud Sample nigerain letters, e-mails and faxes.
motherlandnigeria Nigerian scammers, nigerian scam letter museum
aa419 Artists Against 419(aa419) maintain the largest online repository of web sites used in internet fraud
bobbear Money Laundering and Reshipping Fraud
ripandscam Right solution for the scam and spam emails
scamvictimsunited Scam Victims United offers support and resources for reporting crimes
fraudaid fraud recognition and prevention education, fraud victim advocacy, law enforcement support and also we spread fraud awareness, recognition, and prevention education throughout the world community
fraudtech fraud prevention, internet frauds, frauds news and polls
elderangels assists elderly victims of financial abuse and educate the public about crimes
straightshooter citizens united to find Fugitives, how to manipulate the legal system in order to deceive and steal
romancescam newest evolution of the Nigerian advance fee (419) scam